Ebenezer House

About Ebenezer House

Based in Willenhall, West Midlands, Ebenezer House is part of our Specialist Care services, offering residential care to individuals with learning disabilities.  

This attractive double-fronted detached property offers four individual bedrooms, all of which exceed national minimum standards. There are 3 bedrooms on the second floor and one at ground floor level, all with ensuite toilet and shower facilities. There is a large sociable living room, dining kitchen, utility room, sensory room, staff room, and office. 

In addition to the 4 bedrooms in the main house, there is a single occupancy bungalow in the grounds of the property, which is fully equipped to enable an individual to lead a fully independent life with the knowledge that support is close by if needed.

Outside, there is a large rear garden with decking, lawn and raised flower beds. To the front of the property there is parking for several vehicles, in addition to a further lawned area.

Care Services at Ebenezer House

Support staff at Ebenezer House have a wealth of experience in supporting individuals with conditions including:


Mental Health

Challenging Behaviour

Sensory Impairment


Forensic Services

Learning Disability

Physical Disability

Attachment and Detachment Disorders

Down Syndrome

PDA - Pathological Demand Avoidance Syndrome

Brain Injury

The Local Area

Ebenezer House is situated within half a mile of local shops and access to a wide variety of facilities. It is within half a mile of Willenhall town centre, which offers shopping, leisure amenities and a cinema, and is located conveniently on a local bus route. 

Nearby are a range of colleges, including Walsall college within 3 miles, delivering a comprehensive range of subjects and activities. A library and sports/social club are within easy walking distance.

Dignus Specialist Care Ebenezer House Local Area